โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹We are nominating each rodeo as WCRA Division Youth eligible. To find out more follow this LINK

WCRA has provided the phone numbers to Rob Smetts  (325)370-8020 and DY sales rep Whitney Lloyd (325-669-5967) that you can reach out to with any questions you have in regards to entries, nominations, points system or whatever it may be. Also, if it's not something immediate, you are always welcome to email us here at support@wcrarodeo.com, and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. We have a ton of great information on our website as well dy.rodeo (no .com)

The nomination shut off time for the NC High School Rodeo is 10 am ET the day of each rodeo.

Now, regarding any cash back after each event, they do have something called the Weekly Cash Bonus. Each week they award the highest point earning youth athlete in each division, Timed Event and Rough Stock the "Weekly Bonus".

The event must END between 12:01 a.m Monday CST and Sunday 11:59 p.m.
Results must be in by Wednesday at 9 a.m. CT
The leaderboard will be updated Thursdays at Noon CT
Winners will be contacted by Fridays
Winners will have until Monday at Noon CT to complete a W9 tax form and post a video on Facebook/Instagram announcing they won the VRQ Weekly Bonus.
For events that last longer than one week, the points will be counted during the week the event ends
One winner will be announced per division for roughstock and timed events.
Consultation points do not apply
The winners will be determined based on the most points won in each Division each week
In the case of a tie for the Weekly Bonus, the most money won will break the tie


 DY1- $200

 DY2- $150
 DY3- $100 **NCHSRA Division**
 DY4- $75
 DY5- $50

Nomination Points for Entering:

.50 points

Event Points:

1st.  200
2nd. 150
3rd.  120
4th  108
5th.  97
6th.  87.5
7th.  78.5
8th. 71.0
9th.  64.0
10th 57.5

Consolation Points:

(Points earned for not placing)

Nominate Today!

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These programs honor and recognize one boy or one girl and one horse of each in each division. To be eligible for the honor, students must submit an application online using the buttons below!

Horses do not need to be registered to be awarded in this program.

Nominate Your Equine Athlete Here!

Nominate for Student Athlete Here!

Click here for the original flyer!


Nominโ€‹ations Accepted Online via QR Codes Belowโ€‹

Nominate a Professional's Choice Equine & Student Athlete!

Check Out What's New at NCHSRA!



North Carolina High School and Junior High School Rodeo Association

Check the Schedule Tab Often for Updates!โ€‹

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